A great mystery. There have been tales of Glen being murdered by Bessie and her crawling out of the canyon and starting a new life with a new name. (By "kind of," I mean "very." Sunk Without a Sound: The Tragic Colorado River Honeymoon of … "Ye stars! After graduating high school she journeyed west to San Francisco and enrolled in a fine arts school. I always wondered why people made such a fuss about the beauty of autumn. I highly recommend this book if you are a fan of adventure tales. With more recent cases, I occasionally find traces of a person’s activities on the internet before they disappeared. As part of his research for this book, the author Brad Dimock actually attempted to recreate the setting of Glen and Bessie Hyde's disappearances. I also enjoyed Bessie’s pieces of poetry (just simple rhymed verse, many tied to the river and exploration) at the start of each chapter. With jewels. I enjoyed all the side stories and learning about some of the cultural lore of the Grand Canyon. Welcome back. Western … It's pretty impressive how much info he tracked down of the rumors and the research he did that debunk them, compiling the facts vs fiction. Bessi. Skimmed some of the river details and most of the author’s and his wife’s boat trip. Bessie Louise Haley was born on December 29, 1905 in West Virginia. Northern Arizona University’s digitial archive has a book of poems Bessie wrote, called Wandering Leaves. You can not just read the text but actually see the book itself, bound with string. It is an enthralling book and I highly recommend it. By Matthew Copes | 2021-03-24T14:50:05-04:00 January 8th, 2020 | Mysteries, History … It explored the mysterious disappearance of honeymooners Glen and Bessie Hyde. Bessie and Glen Hyde took a wooden scow down the Colorado through treacherous waters, then disappeared. Then once the search began I was hooked and finished it in a few days. DODGING THE RAIN. The author does a fantastic job of analyzing all the evidence and stories that have collected over the years, leading to a page-turner that felt really factual at the same time. This story follows the standard adventure history format: a modern day person becomes interested in some tragedy of the past and sets out to recreate it. On November 15, they stopped at the home of a photographer named Emory Kolb to restock supplies. Glen and Bessie Hyde were last seen on 18 November 1928, rafting the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. The personal files of Jeanne Ethel Hyde Brent Allen, sister of Glen Hyde. Related Pages. The author makes a good point that aside from the adventure of the journey, Glen and Bessie lived in the age of “record setting and exploration” (Amelia Earhart, George M. This is a well-researched account of the disappearance and subsequent search for two honeymooners who traveled down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon running rapids in a scow. It is a non-fiction book about Glen and Bessie Hyde who disappeared in 1928 while on their honeymoon trip taking a wooden scow down the Grand Canyon. Luckily in this case the author didn't fall in to the usual hole of actually writing a book about his relationship with his wife or whatever. Glen and Bessie Hyde were a newlywed couple from Twin Falls, Idaho who decided to spend their honeymoon going on a rafting trip down the Green and Colorado Rivers in October 1928. The many photographs offer a breath-catching eddy to slow the charging pace. However, upon examination, the body was determined to be younger than Hyde. Author and boatman Brad Dimock has unearthed the true story of the Hydes, followed each tale to its source, and gone so far as to retrace the Hydes' fateful voyage in a replica of their archaic scow. This is the story of a couple who attempt to travel down the Colorado River in the late 1920's. Only their boat was found, not a trace of either of them. The topic is interesting but a feature article would have sufficed. This was a cool book. Daron Little performs "This Old Horse" at the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering. I picked this one up at the gift shop at the Grand Canyon. Fast read. Minor damage to the bott Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Well, I just found an online trace of an MP who is most definitely NOT recent: Bessie Hyde, who disappeared on a rafting trip in Arizona over eighty years ago. … The author makes a good point that aside from the adventure of the journey, Glen and Bessie lived in the age of “record setting and exploration” (Amelia Earhart, George Mallory, Charles Liindbergh) and a successful trip would have earned them enough fame to go on the pre-television Vaudeville lecture circuit that accounted for so many small theaters across America at the time. A father's search for his missing child is the heart of the story, and Bessie Hyde's poetry is a mournful reminder that the couple were young, smart with a bright future ahead, but for this crazy idea. Glen and Bessie Hyde Met in California. Written by: Matthew Copes. [...] Readers will look forward to the sequel." The story of Glen and Bessie Hyde mysteriously disappearing on their honeymoon trip through the Grand Canyon is, in and of itself, pretty interesting, at least for someone like myself who is kind of obsessed with missing people. After having watched specials on the Travel and History Channels about the Grand Canyon, I purchased this book 2 years ago on our Canyonlands vacation. It’s typed but the cover has the title in what is presumably Bessie’s handwriting. panoply, a literary zine. Descending the Colorado in a sweep scow unsupported was a crazy idea, but it was a decade of crazy ideas that worked out better than this trip. A short-lived marriage ended in divorce. What a great book. This is good book, unless you like closure, because there isn't any here. They were using a homemade boat from Idaho called a scow to run the Green and Colorado Rivers into the Grand Canyon in 1928. Andrea Ross’ poem “Bessie’s Honeymoon” takes the point of view of Bessie Hyde, who spent her honeymoon with husband Glen rafting down the Colorado. I found my self skimming over the parts about the currents and also the parts where the author described his own trip. The Tragic Colorado River Honeymoon of Glen and Bessie Hyde by Brad Dimock. Wow. naturalists, people interested in detective stories/mysteries, A few years ago my husband and I attempted whitewater rafting on the Wolf River. From page 4: The first fall frost I loved this book, and I love the Grand Canyon! The author had access to a phenomenal amount of photos (many of which I wished were larger as sometimes small ones were surrounded by the blank space of a whole page) that evidence the access the Hyde family and others gave him to any surviving records of the two. An artist and poet as well as aspiring actress, she was what folks called “bohemian” back in the day. panoply, a literary zine. I found he and his wife's attempt down the Grand in their own sweep boat relevant to all the research he'd been doing and enjoyed reading about their (mis)adventures in the canyon. Good condition. ... Brad Dimock built a scow like the one used by Glenn and Bessie Hyde and took it down the Colorado River to ascertain what may have happened to the honeymooning couple. There have been tales of Glen being murdered by Bessie and her crawling out of the canyon and starting a new life with a new name. The author used whatever he could from the Hydes' past so we would have some background information on the couple as people. A Grief Bserved A Grief Bserved file : the physiology of the joints lower limb volume 2 5e financial risks stability and globalization papers presented at the eighth seminar on central banking washington dc june 5-8 2000 A fun read! $13.95 . Apache Junction Jane Doe (1992) 2012 sketch of the Apache Junction Jane Doe. ... To be fair to the book, I ran out of time and just skimmed it, skipping over the parts about the author recreating the Hyde's Journey and other chapters that seemed … Instead, Dimock very carefully researched and analyzed all the data about the honeymooning couple who disappeared while boating the Grand Canyon in 1928. I expected this book to take longer to read – most histories are boring, at least in places, but after I got through all the “he was born in … and his parents were …” blah blah blah (which, fortunately for me, only lasts for a few pages) it really grabbed me and kept me interested. And as I type these words I’m off on another paper trail (web search) to find the title of the book. Parts of this book really held my attention and parts got a little long and boring. Please Support the Charley Project with $3, Follow The Charley Project Blog on WordPress.com. Newlyweds Glen and Bessie Hyde plan to navigate the treacherous rapids of the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, but vanish one month later, in a novel that interweaves the story of their fateful journey with their families' efforts to find them. Availability: Usually … A few years ago my husband and I attempted whitewater rafting on the Wolf River. I really enjoyed his in-depth research and discussion of what is actually known of the Hyde's trip and what could have happened. Yesterday. Grand Ambition by Lisa Michaels. He also took a rafting trip with his wife in a homemade boat to try to better understand what may have happened to the Hydes. Figure 2: Emery Kolb photo of Hyde boat as it was found on Christmas day, 1928. Bessie was a short, cute and smiley, and though Glen wasn’t what most would call classically handsome, he was tall, dark, and fit. Poems from a monster: Sometimes, monsters write… by Jasmine P. Antwoine. $18.00 . ... a twice yearly online journal for women's poetry. I already knew about them from a novel I read a number of years ago. Reproduced with permission from Northern Arizona University Cline Library.12 book of Bessie's poetry, and other artifacts. The photos were interesting and the maps helped keep track of what was happening in the story. In the archives, they assume a newfound professionalism, taste the thrill of research, and read the documents with care. It's a dangerous trip and interesting to read about a lot of the history that went along with the story. The year was 1928 (9 years after the Grand Canyon became a national park) and Bessie Hyde would have been the first woman to attempt such feat. Comes out at night. Ultimately, it seems the river did not give up the Honeymooners but it was interesting to read all the theories fleshed out. Highly recommend! A father's search for his missing child is the h. A wilderness adventure wrapped in a mystery with a thriller on the side. Join us … Luckily in this case the author didn't fall in to the usual hole of actually writing a book about his relationship with his wife or whatever. I also think he did a good job of making the stor. Grand Ambition by Lisa Michaels. Their cumbersome wooden sweep scow was found upright and fully loaded three weeks later, but despite exhaustive searches, Glen and Bessie had vanished without a trace. DODGING THE RAIN. Interesting story, very well researched. Bessie Haley, born in West Virginia in 1905, was an adventurous young woman who loved to travel. It was very interesting and hard to put down. We were inexperienced, and the late summer river was low, a dangerous combination of circumstances which led to us getting hung up on rocks in a rapids, me being washed out the of raft clinging to an oar, and after a dunking a bruising, vowing to never try that again. I DID get this book rec off the Charlie Project website.) I already knew about them from a novel I read a number of years ago. Dimock's experience on the river no doubt contributed to the conclusions he reached about Bessie and Glen's disappearance. BAXTER BLACK. The part that I found harder to read was the detail that described the river itself. They were using a homemade boat from Idaho called a scow to run the Green and Colorado Rivers into the Grand Canyon in 1928. “The spell of the canyon is awfully strong and it holds something of me I know it will never give up,” he once told an interviewer. 5,535 Views. I skimmed through a lot of the description of the author and his wife taking their own boat trip do. - Lord Byron, LXXXVIII, Canto III “If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I'll bet they'd live a lot differently.” ... We of the night will know many things of which sleepers will never dream Bessie Hyde. That was a struggle for me. Historical mysteries are favorites of mine and Brad Dimock's Sunk Without a Sound did not disappoint. It’s typed but the cover has the title in what is presumably Bessie’s handwriting. A few items with more topical references were drawn from his 188 … ... author of the famous novels Treasure Island and The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde, also penned one of the greatest poems about death. She’s been on... On November 18, 1928, Glen and Bessie Hyde launched on the final leg of their honeymoon voyage through Grand Canyon. And soon beguiles Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Interesting story, very well researched. THE BOOK JACKET describes this book as an Adventure/History/Mystery. I liked Bessie's poetry snippets at the beginning of each chapter too. $17.95 ... Currents: Poems (Paperback) By Bojan Louis. They made an attractive couple. Despite that somber note, there is a touch of humor here too: Crystal Rapid exploded between boulders, This book is kind of a mystery story since no one has ever learned what happened to them after they vanished. The year was 1928 (9 years after the Grand Canyon became a national park) and Bessie Hyde would have been the first woman to attempt such feat. Voila! A wilderness adventure wrapped in a mystery with a thriller on the side. There was speculation that this was the remains of Glen Hyde who had vanished with his wife, Bessie Hyde, in 1928. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. This book is kind of a mystery story since no one has ever learned what happened to them after they vanished. ... a twice yearly online journal for women's poetry. Start by marking “Sunk Without a Sound: The Tragic Colorado River Honeymoon of Glen and Bessie Hyde” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Dimock organizes everything he found and then spent more time and efforts to answer other questions. Nov 25, 2018 - Explore Katy winfield's board "Louis stevenson" on Pinterest. My feeling is that the story might have made a gripping article in, say, The New Yorker, or an outdoor adventure magazine. Excellent companion book to Grand Ambition, a fictional account of Glen & Bessie Hyde's river rafting trip down the Colorado River. Brad Dimock researched and wrote a superb book. It was very interesting and hard to put down. Instead, Dimock very carefully researched and analyzed all the data about the honeymooning couple who disappeared while boating the Grand Canyon in 1928. but, the number of well-researched potential theories kept me riveted, as well as the author's own adventure. Northern Arizona University’s digitial archive has a book of poems Bessie wrote, called Wandering Leaves. He also took a rafting trip with his wife in a homemade boat to try to better understand what may have happened to the Hydes. Of course, I’ve read numerous other river histories, and the Grand Canyon river historical community is such a small/closed group that I couldn’t help but run into some “old friends”. Or had they? Parts of this book really held my attention and parts got a little long and boring. She was an art student, worked in a bookstore and loved to write poetry. March 1st 2001 Ben Canales on October 14, 2013. It makes for a good story and the author's own recreation of rafting the Colorado is an interesting twist! She also discovered Georgie’s birth certificate, which revealed she was originally born under the name “Bessie DeRoss”, creating speculation that she was Bessie Hyde under a new identity. Another person, a middle-aged man, wrote somewhere about his experiences volunteering for the Peace Corps in the 1970s. You can not just read the text but actually see the book itself, bound with string. The Glen and Bessie Hyde story truly is one of the most intriguing mysteries of the twentieth century in my opinion...right up there with the Amelia Earhart disappearance. So when my local book group chose this nonfiction account of the disappearance of a young couple on the Colorado River in 1928 I was interested. The two newlyweds were on a remarkable honeymoon trip in a home-built wooden boat, with Bessie attempting to become the first woman ever to raft the river's treacherous rapids. I really enjoyed his in-depth research and discussion of what is actually known of the Hyde's trip and what could have happened. It is full of all mysteries and catastrophes out of the Grand Canyon. That was a struggle for me. While the story has all sorts of good potential, love, adventure, mystery, I quickly grew tired of the detailed descriptions of boats, sections of rivers, and interviews with people who knew the main characters. The short and simple “Requiem” is written from the perspective of the deceased, who is clearly satisfied with the life that he … Great history about the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon. This was a cool book. especially one that was recommended by our river guides on my recent grand canyon rafting trip. I chose not to believe the brute versions of the stories and think that to go that "big" back then you had to be crazy and driven, which doesn't usually jive with "bruteness." In the years since, four people appearing to be either Glen or Bessie have emerged, each with a tale implying murder and mayhem. The author used whatever he could from the Hydes' past so we would have some background information on the couple as people. Sunk Without a Sound: The Tragic Colorado River Honeymoon of Glen and Bessie Hyde (Paperback) By Brad Dimock. Dry, crackling leaves: Georgie’s caretaker was surprised to discover a certified copy of Glen and Bessie Hyde’s marriage certificate inside her lingerie drawer alongside a pistol. At dawn… Or had they? As a rafting guide, I became more and more amazed as I read this book that the Hydes survived as long as they did! Dimock … We were inexperienced, and the late summer river was low, a dangerous combination of circumstances which led to us getting hung up on rocks in a rapids, me being washed out the of raft clinging to an oar, and after a dunking a bruising, vowing to never try that again. It tells the background of Glen and Bessie as well as their disappearance rafting the Colorado River on their honeymoon. Apparently Bessie shared my sentiments. Descending the Colorado in a sweep scow unsupported was a crazy idea, but it was a decade of crazy ideas that worked out better than this trip. Dimock interviewed everyone alive who had even marginally entered the Hydes' orbit, which makes for some confusion, but so does a wave train on a wild river. The fluttering trees, Oh man, this was a great read. Over the years searches for their bodies all failed, and occasionally a person would appear claiming to be Bessie. This is the story of a couple who attempt to travel down the Colorado River in the late 1920's. Etc. Then once the search began I was hooked and finished it in a few days. The barren ground I found the stories fascinating, but the main mystery of the book isn't half as mysterious as the book title makes it out to be. It's pretty impressive how much info he tracked down of the rumors and the research he did that debunk them, compiling the facts vs fiction. Holmstrom was speaking of the vanished honeymooner Bessie Hyde when he said, “Women have their place in the world, but they do not belong in the Canyon of the Colorado.” ... Holmstrom expressed in a kind of rough poetry about the Grand Canyon. Page-turner with a satisfying and reasonable conclusion. Interesting research into the mystery and the photos added a lot. I remember watching this story on Unsolved Mysteries as a kid; so it was fun to get a more in depth perspective of it. The Glen and Bessie Hyde story truly is one of the most intriguing mysteries of the twentieth century in my opinion...right up th. Technology can only take us far. Having run the Grand Canyon four times now, I became completely engrossed in the story of Glen and Bessie Hyde. The Charley Project with $ 3, Follow the Charley Project Blog on WordPress.com 15 they! Noteworthy adventurers Peace Corps in the late 1920 's of an ill-fated honeymoon trip to the conclusions reached... 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