The soundtrack is mind-chilling, controls are great. Becoming new to the Metroid series, my first time playing Super Metroid was overall "Super Difficult". This game created the Metroidvania formula which lead to some of the greatest 2D games in history. Best in series, best SNES game, best game of 1994 & in every Top 10 All Time imaginable. Супер и еще как! I really enjoyed the first 2 hours. While Super Mario World has a very impressive score of 94% on Metacritic, Super Metroid 's is a few points higher at 97%. It can be very difficult to navigate around, which leads to great frustration. If you've never picked up a Metroid. By horror_spooky, updated 08/01/2008 -- Highest Rated. A timeless calssic and a must play for all those gamers who are interested in 8-bit side-scroller games! 0 … If you want to feel the nostalgia of one of the best games ever on the SNES, then play this game. A masterpiece. If you don't carefully focus on what you're doing, and time precision … Man kann das Spiel durch rutschen oder sich Zeit lassen und wird nicht bestraft. Please sign in or create an account before writing a review. Both come together to create an amazing sense of immersion and exploration which is made even greater by all the upgrades hidden away in hard to reach locations. Samus Aran must don her awesome array of high-tech weaponry to retrieve the deadly Metroid hidden deep within the cave-riddled planet Zebes. It can be very difficult to navigate around, which leads to great frustration. noice :^) ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ. Her mission? Perfect Dark is a first-person shooter that truly … When you get the grapple beam, things get crazy. And you get almost everything you expect, too. Awesome. Super Metroid is by far the best of the Metroid series. When you get the grapple beam, things. It was the game that introduced me to the Metroid story/universe that I fell so in love with. Un juego que defino con una palabra: Fluidez. It has amazing difficulty, as well as iconic environments, soundtrack, and bosses. If you don't have this game, please do yourself a favor and download it through the Virtual Console. Metacritic--User Avg 9.3 Game Info Super Metroid; Reviews; News & Features; Images; Videos; Cheats & Guides ; Forum ; Latest on Super Metroid . If you like 2D exploration this is the one game I would say is absolutely mandatory. That would be Super Metroid Redux, which builds upon the most successful concepts implemented in Super Metroid: GBA Style. The … Samus controls nicely and I really enjoy her floaty jumps and running speed. Super Metroid is the greatest game of all time. The best part of the game is that players can perform small tricks to get into areas that are otherwise. It was also added as one of the Masterpiece demos in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, allowing 3 minutes of play from 3 different saves.The game was made available on the Wii U's Virtual Console on May 15, 2013, and also from May 15, 2013, to June 13, 2013, as part of the Wii U Virtual … A great example of just what a good game should be, it provides incredible replay-ability, being challenging for new players while still challenging veterans to improve on their 100% time runs. Possibly the best Metroid game? I personally would give this amazing game a 10/10. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Samus Aran returns to the brooding planet Zebes to recover the last metroid from the Space Pirates. There is not much else to say to a great game like. The puzzle. You must play it to know what I mean. Outstanding graphics, a killer soundtrack, an engrossing story, challenging enemies and a dazzling array of weapons make this among the finest action platformers ever created. A great game filled with secrets and Easter eggs, crazy and sometimes difficult boss battles, and good old Samus kicking alien ass! I find this, although it's hard to say, superior to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Only complaint might be wall jumping but that's so minor and only because I personally suck at it. In conclusion, Super Metroid is an awesome game that I think everybody should try at least once. It captivated me when I first played it on SNES all those years ago, and still does to this day. and how brilliantly they work together, but I don't want to spoil anything - Go try it ASAP if you haven't play it yet. Summary: The Space Pirates, merciless agents of the evil Mother Brain, have stolen the last Metroid from a research station, and once again Mother Brain threatens the safety of the galaxy. Gameplay is as interactive as ever. They're intentionally ugly, gross creatures that you'd never want to encounter on planet Earth. For Super Metroid on the Super Nintendo, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "three green guys". There are many upgrades and new abilities Samus Aran will find and those become pretty useful to fight against the most epic bosses in one heck of a maze to explore to. Ein Must have den ich jedem empfehlen kann Tipp gibt es auch auf der Nintendo Switch, Un jeu d'action aventure qui a redéfini le genre, a absolument jouer! 9. The environments are some of the most detailed in video game history. I n t r o d u c t i o n ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ::::: ===== Welcome to the Pro Action Replay (PAR) Codes list with descriptions and explanations for the game Super Metroid on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (known as Super Famicom in Japan). Skateboarding games are a sandbox for fun tricks and thrashing mayhem. User Info: Cauchys Inequality. I'm not necessarily rating the Wii version. I would choose Super Metroid in Snes. Super Metroid is a game that redefined the genre and set the standards for future games. Pretty much the best game ever. Tight controls. Super Metroid is an action-adventure game developed and published by Nintendo for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1994. It doesn't matter which platform your on playing the game, it's that good. Что тут говорить, это классика, шедевр из библиотеки SNES, родоначальник жанра метроидвания. The Metroid series has in it three truly great games. Hat eine angenehme Schwierigkeit. Currently Using: PSP CFW 3.71 m33-4##Currently Playing: Super Metroid, MHF2, Tomb Raider III, SSBB. I find this, although it's hard to say, superior to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. it's a great game, you can enjoy for hours exploring and never complete it at a 100%. Super Metroid is one of the best games of all time and my personal favourite. High gameplay value with the exploration and for total completion. The atmosphere is fantastic, the sound, the design, and also the combat. When it comes to completely engrossing, genuinely fun, and memorable gaming experiences, Super Metroid is almost unmatched. This is absolutely one the best games of all time, and certainly worth your time. However, once you realize that you have to shoot or bomb nearly every aspect of the world around to find your way, it suddenly becomes invigorating. The fact that it still holds up genuinely well to this day is an incredible testament to just how well-made Super Metroid is. Super Metroid has the best graphics, level design, soundtrack, and gameplay of the games that I have played for Super Nintendo. 10. Those who had played Super Metroid would find the controls incredibly easy, but I had so much frustration controlling Samus in certain portions of the game that was important, especially when wall jumping was involved. Super Metroid is one of those Super NES titles with a straight forward story that looks and sounds completely incredible for its time. High gameplay value with the exploration and for total completion. Samus controls nicely and I really enjoy her floaty jumps and running speed. Super Metroid (Super NES, 1994) One of the high-water marks of the 16-bit era, Super Metroid introduced players to a near-perfect synthesis of … It has so much to it, and has so many bosses. Boss designs are a good example of the atmosphere. Gameplay is as interactive as ever. Samus Returns. Both come together to create an amazing sense of immersion and exploration which is made even greater by all the upgrades hidden away in hard to reach locations. Один из лучших представителей своей серии, полюбившейся мне за последнее время (мои руки только недавно дошли до этих игр). Game still holds up after 20+ years since I first played it in 2014 and it's easily the best game I've ever played. Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day. It's awesome collecting more powers and becoming a. Super Metroid is one of my favorite video games of all time. 3. So I finally got the Switch Online service and started up the original NES Metroid and quickly gave up. People emulate this game and it was originally on SNES. The soundtrack is mind-chilling, controls are great. You will hear it many times from many sources: Super Metroid is arguably the best Super NES game ever released, and among the greatest video games of all time. While the first two entries in the series introduced series … El mejor juego de SNES. One of the must have games on the Super Nintendo console; this brought me into the Metroid francise. The rest of the plot, however, is told in-game without a single word; the story is told purely through gameplay. I've played a ton of them including all the 'vanias but never a Metroid. I just very recently replayed it and still thoroughly enjoyed it. well done game, but this idea about searching items in unnoticeable holes is just sick. Both come together to create an amazing sense of immersion and exploration which is made even greater by all the upgrades hidden away in hard to reach locations. The best part of the game is that players can perform small tricks to get into areas that are otherwise impossible to get to without the right item. Believe the hype. Fusion. If you like 2D exploration this is the one game I would say is absolutely mandatory. I'm just rating Super Metroid, the game itself. The atmosphere is intense, the soundtrack is memorable, the gameplay can be suspenseful and exciting, the visuals are very detailed and the story, while simple, just works. The beginnings of everything great in this video game industry. RELATED: Metroid: The 10 Best Games In The Franchise, Ranked (According To Metacritic) Both Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Super Metroid cemented exactly what the genre can do and exactly how it should be done. This game is based off exploring and wandering about. Metacritic Score: 97 / User Score: 8.9. Other than the controls, Super Metroid is still a great and addicting experience, but I think hardcore gamers and veterans of the Metroid series will admire this game even more. Intelligent, atmospheric and a lot of fun. Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming,, Forza Horizon 3 - Official Launch Trailer, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by, Action, Platformer, 2D. Interessante Boss bzw Zwischenkämpfe. This Game is Pure Magic... Also, the BSO make me cry :c. one of the best games of all time, have the best level design in the history. Right off the bat, the game teaches you to check every nook and cranny for secrets. They sure don't make 'em like this anymore... By mikaa, updated 05/16/2005 -- Highest Rated. When you were initially lost, you are now finding secrets throughout the game and finding your way through difficult parts. Some call it backtracking. I would choose Super Metroid in Snes. I did, and I am happy with my purchase. Run, Samus, run! Super Metroid is one of my favorite video games of all time. The good. By DJellybean, updated 07/27/2004 -- Highest Rated. Believe the hype. le tengo mucho respeto y cariño a este juego, lo pase súper bien pero debo ser justo. Super Metroid takes the cake as my favorite game of all time. 9.6 - Absolute classic and revolutionary with really cool graphics for the time. But none quite as great as this. For those people who design. Other M (bad metroid, but okay game) NES (one of the few classic Nintendo games I cannot play, no map and clunky control. Grafik für die damalige Zeit (SNES) Top Gute Musik. I wish you all a lovely day/night, folks. Super Metroid is one of the best games of all time and my personal favourite. Super Metroid became a favorite almost immediately in 1994, so much so that even today games try their best to emulate its iconic style. Interessante Boss bzw Zwischenkämpfe. Man kann das Spiel durch rutschen oder sich Zeit lassen und wird nicht bestraft. The boss fights are some of the best ever especially Mother Brain. Super Metroid was released on the Wii's Virtual Console on August 20, 2007, as part of the \"month of Metroid\" campaign. 1. The environments are some of the most detailed in video game history. It's the design formula that Super Metroid perfected, and so many other games have since copied â. An amazing, classical 8-bit side-scroller! Just pales in comparison to Zero Mission by all accounts) It is one of the top ten games for Super Nintendo, in fact it's that best game on the Super Nintendo. A game that has aged poorly but still measures up. By bluberry, … Samus A classic Metroid adventure returns, rebuilt from the ground up. Super Metroid is one of those Super NES titles with a straight forward story that looks and sounds completely incredible for its time. However, once you realize that you have to shoot or bomb nearly every aspect of the world around to find your way, it suddenly becomes invigorating. This is a madhouse of fun! In my opinion, this is the greatest game ever made. Definitely worth a lot more than what I paid for it. The environments are some of the most detailed in video game history. I love metroidvanias. A lot of people will say that Super Metroid is a perfect experience and the best Super NES game ever, but I have one major complaint I had while playing Super Metroid. The side-view action of Super Metroid will be familiar to many players, only now there are new weapons and items, including the Grappling Beam, which allows Samus to swing across large chasms, and the X-Ray Scope, which reveals secret passages. Perfect Dark. His Super Metroid: GBA Style is his most famous release, but it isn’t the best one yet. to put it simply this game is a masterpiece with amazing 16-bit graphics I would recommend to anyone. She decides to give it to a scientific research station so that it may be studied. One of the must have games on the Super Nintendo console; this brought me into the Metroid francise. Atmosphere far surpasses that of most current games. It is the third installment in the Metroid series, following the events of the Game Boy game Metroid II: Return of Samus (1991). Outstanding graphics, a killer soundtrack, an engrossing story, challenging enemies and a dazzling array of weapons make this among the finest action platformers ever created. Super Metroid. It's up to you to explore the world and recover more power-ups and weapons, which gradually open more gameplay … Metroid Prime is a incredible game, nothing less, but this is a PERFECT game, nothing less. I people ask me what would be the best Nintendo game of all time. And recover more power-ups and weapons, which leads to great frustration III, SSBB about... Testament to just how well-made Super Metroid is one of the best game on the Super Nintendo console ; brought. Игр ) should try at least once rutschen oder sich Zeit lassen und nicht! Board topic titled `` three green guys '' and gameplay of the greatest game of all time only because personally... Been to before Highest Rated should always get imagination from this game is completely defined by its gameplay and.. And quickly gave up at least once nothing less GameFAQs message board topic titled `` three green ''... Con una palabra: Fluidez, as well as iconic environments, soundtrack, rightfully... 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